This memorial was written in collaboration with Reverend John Ames and Doreen Halbruner ‘81. We sincerely thank them.
Sister Joanmarie Ames, IHM was born to Jack and Joan Ames on January 17, 1952. The oldest of five children, she often babysat her younger siblings. Little did her family know that God was preparing her for a life of service to others. Joannie, as she was affectionately known, was the first to attend school, graduate, and leave the family home, paving the way for her younger siblings. The day she entered the Sister Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary was a sad day for the family and left them with a sense of loss. However, they knew she was called by God. Sister Joan worked tirelessly in each apostolate to which she was assigned. “She approached each one with a lively faith that God was guiding her journey, a profound hope that she could be an instrument of God’s grace, and a deep love for the people she was sent to serve,” said her brother, Reverend John Ames. She began her final assignment at Little Flower Catholic High School for Girls, her mother’s alma mater, in 2002, serving as an administrator for more than two decades. Sister Joan made it her mission to ensure that the students were provided every opportunity to fully experience all that Little Flower has to offer. “She wanted to ensure our girls would have a full and positive experience at Little Flower by enabling their participation in events they might not otherwise afford,” said Doreen Halbruner ‘81. With the president of Little Flower, Kristie Dugan, an Angel Fund was created to help students in need, offering assistance with prom tickets, school rings, and lunch vouchers. Thanks to the generosity of Little Flower interim president and current board member, Jim Leary, Little Flower was able to create the Sister Joan Ames Endowed Scholarship Fund to continue her mission, providing scholarship support and other assistance to students. Sister Joan Ames, IHM Sister Joan Ames passed away on September 10, 2023. She had a great sense of humor. She cared for her elderly parents and showered her nieces and nephews with great love. She enjoyed the smells of Yankee Candles and was excited to give them as gifts or donate them to school functions. Her favorite summertime treat was a smoothie, which she could often be seen having at lunch time. She was an exceptional cook and likedsharing her delicious treats with others. Sister Joan was a light that shone brightly among her family, friends, and the Little Flower community.